Saturday, February 18, 2012

149. The Rolling Stones - Let It Bleed

Artist: The Rolling Stones
Album: Let It Bleed
Year: 1969

Here's the fourth installment of The Rolling Stones among the 1001. So far, they have been perhaps the most disappointing bands for me. They're always cited among the most important groups in rock history, and so far, beats me as to why. Their first album was a typical set of R&B covers, Aftermath was a turgid bore outside of a couple memorable songs, and Beggars Banquet represented an improvement but was still not something I'd choose to listen to repeatedly. I have a theory as to why I don't like them as much as the other English bands of the era. They're definitely a band that appeals more to the heart than the head. I don't need music to be "intellectual" per se, but I am finding that I have more appreciation for music that makes me think about its intent and about its construction more than music that is just supposed to make me "feel" something. This explains why I prefer experimental jazz albums like Kind of Blue and Brilliant Corners over blues albums, and why I prefer the sonic experimenters like Phil Spector and The Beach Boys over bands that deal with more traditional sounds. I do like music that makes me think. And The Stones don't seem to inspire me much.

Let It Bleed is often listed among the best rock-and-roll albums of all-time. And I can see why. As a collection of songs, this is fantastic stuff, bookended by two of rock's most revered tunes. "Gimme Shelter" is in-your-face anthem that is probably my favorite Stones song so far. "Rape,'s just a shot away!" "You Can't Always Get What You Want" breaks out a full choir for its seven minutes of bombast. It's definitely a song for the everyman. The stuff in between is good too. "Country Honk," the title track, and "Midnight Rambler" are all memorable tunes. Still not my favorite band, but this is good stuff.

Rating: Worth a listen

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