Tuesday, February 7, 2012

115. Johnny Cash - At Folsom Prison

Artist: Johnny Cash
Album: At Folsom Prison
Year: 1968

At Folsom Prison is a new album to me. I've heard a good bit of Johnny Cash's latter day material and have generally liked it, but I was excited to hear this album which many folks refer to as his classic. It did not disappoint. This is a good set of songs, particularly well-chosen for his audience--the inmates at Folsom Prison.

What I like most about this release is Cash's banter with the audience, and even with his producer. His deadpan delivery of his thieving and murderous lyrics plays to great comic effect. Cash's rebellious performance here is a tour de force. Check out "Folsom Prison Blues" and "Cocaine Blues" for the best tunes here.

As with most country releases, I found things to get a little samey after a while. What keeps the momentum going is the palpable energy that Cash creates between himself and his audience, and really, isn't that what music is all about?

Rating: Worth repeated listens

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