Monday, January 23, 2012

50. Bob Dylan - Bringing It All Back Home

Artist: Bob Dylan
Album: Bringing It All Back Home
Year: 1965

Album #50, which means I'm roughly 5% or 1/20th of the way done with this little challenge. To reflect quickly, it's been fun so far. I've discovered some good stuff (The Sonics most recently, Thelonious Monk, Ray Charles) and there's been very few albums I found merit-less. I look forward to getting into the heart of 1960's rock in the next 50.

Album #2 from Bob Dylan here. Some classic songs: "Subterranean Homesick Blues" in particular has the classic's a nonsensical little ditty with stream-of-consciousness lyrics. I can't say I get the point of it, but it's a catchy tune nonetheless. "She Belongs to Me" is a sweet love song and *gasp* I actually like Dylan's vocals on this song. I like him best on the more tender numbers....less chance for him to get all nasally and annoying. "Maggie's Farm" and "Love Minus Zero" are a couple more really good tunes. Oh wait...those are just the first four...

Point being, there's not a weak link here. All the songs are worth a listen and are enjoyable in their own ways. Plus, again, the lyrics show off Dylan's poetic side. The Beatles are still singing about girls and gumdrops and lollipops and here's Dylan who actually has something to say, paving the way for like-minded who may not even realize they're likeminded yet. It would be one thing if Bob Dylan were simply influential, but this album is a bonafide classic, from the lunacy of "Subterranean Homesick Blues" to the pretty closer "It's All Over Now, Baby Blue." Dylan is really starting to win me over, which is a great thing since there's five more of his albums left to go!

Rating: Indispensable

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